A first for environmental goals in the United States was recently achieved by the City of Des Moines. A new resolution passed unanimously by City Council members establishes goals that aim to achieve 100 percent, 24/7 carbon-free electricity by the year 2035 for Des Moines and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
“I want to commend and thank our Council for the passage of this resolution. It signals the City’s commitment to a clean energy future and ensures that all residents have access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy,” said Mayor Frank Cownie. “We hope this resolution conveys to other cities that bold action is necessary as we strive to limit climate change and prevent further warming.”
Des Moines has seen an increase in major disaster events, including the derecho of 2020 and flash flooding in 2018. Prolonged changes to the climate in Iowa are being felt as well, with extended droughts and more extreme temperatures.
For decades, Mayor Cownie has championed sustainability. He pledged to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement and established the DSM Citizen Taskforce on Sustainability in 2015. Cownie is currently the Interim President of Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI International).