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Last year Republican State Sen. Adrian Dickey engaged in defense of “common sense” as the Des Moines VA Hospital decided to fly the Pride Flag last June at the main entrance.

Dickey put the US Flag above the Pride Flag, only for VA administrators to have it removed.

That was last year’s version of events — you can read about it here.

This June, Dickey drove to the hospital to make sure the American Flag was flying high, but instead he discovered the VA removed the flagpole completely.

“I was astonished to discover that instead of doing what is right by flying the American Flag above the ‘other flag,’ they chose to take the flagpole down,” he said.

According to Dickey, administrators said they removed the pole to “avoid dealing with (Dickey) on the flag issue this month.”

Instead, Dickey ordered the flagpole that had occupied the area and installed it along with a plaque that read:

“This flagpole was placed on June 6, 2024 by Senator Adrian Dickey, Packwood, for his humble appreciation of the sacrifices that the men and women made 80 years ago today as they invaded the beaches of Normandy and for EVERY soldier who has used this facility in the years since. These soldiers are who Made America GREAT!”

Dickey added that is is up to all of us to remind our fellow Americans of the sacrifices veterans have made and how it is up to all of us who did not serve to show respect and honor those who have.

The flagpole was removed later that day.

“It’s one thing for them to remove the American Flags that I placed on that flagpole last year out of their desire to have another flag flying at the top of the flagpole,” Dickey wrote. “But for them to actually remove two flagpoles now is beyond disappointing and an absolute insult to the veterans who use that facility.”

Dickey said he installed four flagpoles in the same spot, but they have all been removed by administrators who he called tone-deaf.

The VA installed a cable lock to stop Dickey from putting up any more flagpoles, but he decided to just put a small America Flag in the ground near the same area.

The Iowa Standard reached out to the VA in Des Moines for comment. We will publish their response when we receive it.

Author: Jacob Hall


  1. Of course, all our WEAK Iowa Senators and Congressional Representatives are completely silent about this Federal issue, which is a complete insult to our veterans and our nation!

    Only the American flag has the right to be flown at our Federal buildings, and flying it is not an option. In the face of such insolence, repeated Congressional press conferences and investigations should be held immediately to address this insubordinate, anti-American, posturing by Federal employees.

  2. I agree with DAVE THIS IS BS!!!!!! Don’t know that we had a whole lot of gay people fighting on our front lines in ANY WAR, I’M not bashing gay people I’M stating FACTS, PUT OUR FLAG UP!!!! THIS WHOLE THING IS RIDICULOUS!!!!! Veterans should not have to fight this fight because it’s RIDICULOUS!!!!!!

  3. How can sexual preference ( Is’nt that what “GAY” means? ) ever replace the American Flag on a federal building at ANY time. How can a VA administrator make a federal government decision….on his own….?


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