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One of the key races in the Iowa Senate this November is a race that presents an opportunity for Republicans to gain a seat by beating incumbent Democrat State Sen. Eric Giddens. While Giddens does a good job at masking his record on social media, the truth is he has a radical, extreme voting record in the Iowa Senate.

Giddens has fought a number of common sense bills during his time in Des Moines. Here is a rundown:

On March 5, 2024, the Iowa Senate considered a bill to establish illegal immigration as a state crime. As Iowans know, the border is out of control due to the Biden-Harris Administration. Iowans have lost their lives to illegal immigrants. Yet Eric Giddens voted against the bill giving the state more power to protect its citizens against illegal immigration.

Not only that, Giddens voted against mandating E-Verify on Feb. 28, 2024. E-Verify is a program that employers are required to run through employees to verify that they are legally able to work in America. Giddens voted for this bill years earlier when illegal immigration was under much more control. Yet now, when Harris and Biden have allowed illegal immigrants to invade the country, he voted against it. Why?

On Feb. 20, 2024, the Iowa Senate considered a Religious Freedom and Restoration Act to strengthen Iowans’ right to religious liberty. There is a federal RFRA that Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy led before being signed into law by Bill Clinton. Yet Giddens voted against this bill and against the religious freedom of Iowans.

When it comes to parental rights in education, Giddens is a major opponent. Giddens voted against a bill that prohibited schools from secretly socially transitioning a student based on their sex. Meaning if a boy wanted to be referred to as a girl at school, Giddens supported the school keeping that information from parents.

Giddens also voted against a curriculum transparency bill. Giddens voted against a bill that requires people in schools use the bathroom that matches their sex. Meaning he supports boys using girls’ bathrooms. Giddens voted in favor of sex changes on minors.

That should cause concern for every Iowa parent. Radical, experimental sex changes on kids have been banned in other countries, but Giddens believes children in Iowa should be medically mutilated through life-altering treatments and surgeries.

In fact, ironically, Giddens voted against youth driving and youth employment bills because children are too young for those things, yet he voted in favor of sex changes on kids. That’s crazy!

Giddens also opposed school choice efforts. He voted against a bill to protect women’s sports. Yes, Giddens supports boys playing in girls’ sports! (March 2, 2022)

Remember those mask mandates that damaged kids during COVID and their ability to socialize and learn? Giddens opposed a bill that repealed mask mandates for public school students! (May 19, 2021). Not only that, he also opposed a bill that required schools to offer 100 percent in-person instruction!

As for reducing income taxes to a flat 4-percent rate by 2026 — Giddens voted against lowering taxes. (Feb. 24, 2022)

Remember how Giddens voted against efforts to help Iowa protect its citizens against the dangers posed by illegal immigrants…well, he also didn’t want Iowans to have the right to weigh in on their Second Amendment rights. Iowa was one of only a few states without the right to keep and bear arms in its state constitution. When the Iowa Senate voted on allowing Iowans to get a chance to vote on such an amendment, Giddens voted against giving Iowans that opportunity to have their voice heard!

It’s not hard to understand why a female college student may want to be able to carry a stun gun on campus to help protect herself. But Giddens opposed that bill too! He voted to leave people defenseless on college campuses!

Eric Giddens isn’t just an extremist, he’s also an elitist. When the Iowa Senate considered a bill that would allow students who are siblings to be assigned to the same class if requested by parents, well, Giddens vocally opposed that common sense legislation too!

“As a professional educator myself, I just have a concern about this bill and I need to stand with teachers, educators and administrators in preserving the integrity of the profession. I think that educators should have the final decision as professionals as to what’s in the best interest of the students in terms of their placement in classrooms.”

Sorry Iowa moms and dads. While you might want your children who are in the same grade to be in the same classroom — Eric Giddens believes he and other educators know better than you, the parents.

But that’s a common theme in Giddens’ record. For Giddens, it is politics over parents!

Maybe you’re a voter who doesn’t mind that kind of terrible voting record. But consider this…Giddens is a Democrat. The Iowa Senate has a strong Republican majority. If you’re an unaffiliated voter or maybe a soft Democrat, why send someone to Des Moines who will have zero voice and zero influence in what happens?

Giddens has a history of going to Des Moines to toe the radical, extreme Democrat line. Voting for boys to use the girls’ bathroom. Voting for boys to be allowed to play girls’ sports. Voting for continuing sex changes on kids. Voting against allowing Iowans to weigh in on their own constitution. Voting against parental rights in education multiple times. Voting against allowing vulnerable students to carry stun guns on Iowa college campuses. Voting against tightening laws to allow Iowa to crack down on the illegal immigration invasion.

It’s no wonder he has no influence. And it’s no wonder Democrats aren’t anywhere near sniffing a majority in the Iowa Senate.

So, why not send someone to Des Moines who will have influence with the majority and can actually get things done for the district?

The Iowa Standard encourages Iowa Senate District 38 voters to support Dave Sires!


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