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Congressperson Randy Feenstra betrayed his base last year when he chose to ignore the Sioux County GOP platform and instead deliver for the Federal Department of Education. The cost of Feenstra’s betrayal per American family was estimated at $607 by The Freedom Index.

Congressperson Feenstra had a chance to uphold the plank in the Sioux County GOP platform that simply states the county GOP’s desire to eliminate the Department of Education.

Conservative Rep. Thomas Massie introduced an amendment last year to an education bill that would have terminated the Department of Education.

Feenstra, however, sided with government bureaucrats over his constituents in Sioux County.

The Freedom Index criticized Feenstra’s vote, noting that education is not the role of government, nor among the limited and specified powers enumerated for Congress in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

“A child’s education is the responsibility of, as well as a fundamental right of choice retained by, his or her parents,” The Freedom Index said. “Forcing American citizens to furnish taxpayer money for a compulsory, failing and government-run K-12 school system violates their individual liberties.”


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