Congressman Randy Feenstra is sponsoring an ad on Facebook that says he has voted against “every last dollar of wasteful, liberal spending that has fueled inflation and added to our $31 trillion debt.”
But is that true? Well, here is his ad:
A simple, quick search of Feenstra’s voting record shows the freshman congressperson (as he refers to himself) has voted for plenty of Democrat-backed spending bills that have increased the debt.
For instance:
*May 11, 2022: Voted to fund the war in Ukraine through the end of Joe Biden’s first term with a $40 billion aid package.
*March 10, 2022: Voted to pass a $1.5 trillion Omnibus funding Biden’s vaccine mandates.
*Feb. 8, 2022: Voted to bail out the Post Office and stick Medicare with the bill.
Feenstra’s “Liberty Score” is 76 percent.
To suggest Feenstra hasn’t voted for “frivolous spending” or voted to increase our debt is simply inaccurate based on his voting record.