Republican State Rep. Dean Fisher has been a consistent conservative champion in the Iowa House. He has also been a bold leader willing to tackle controversial issues.
So the fact some Iowa leftists are taking aim at him comes as no surprise.
What has upset the leftists to the point that Democrat Leader Rep. Todd Prichard has requested Fisher be removed from his committees?
Fisher has committed a cardinal sin — he has told the truth.
On Jan. 6, Fisher wrote:
“The events unfolding today at the U.S. Capitol are a result of widespread mistrust of our election processes, and that mistrust is laid solely at the feet of the Democrat Party. Shady practices, outright cheating and the inability to simply count the votes in a timely fashion (within a few hours of the polls closing), all are the result of Democrat-led states and cities practices that are earning that mistrust. We did our job here in Iowa, the Republicans passed law that ensured that our elections were fair and promptly reported and we blocked Democrats’ attempts to cheat by sending out ballot requests with Voter ID info already filled out. We must have election integrity. Period.”
That’ll preach.
So not only did Fisher correctly identify the underlying issue at the heart of the protest at the United States Capitol, he reminded Iowans of Democrat attempts to corrupt the electoral system here in Iowa.
On a Dec. 11 post, Fisher posted about the Texas lawsuit. And when someone predicted doom for the country after the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, Fisher said:
“We will survive. Remember, our side has the guns, the other sides doesn’t know which bathroom to use.”
In typical leftist fashion, the media has done a piss poor job of reporting this quote.
Because they put a period where there is a comma.
Some media outlets are not including the full quote — about the leftists not being sure which bathroom to utilize.
Which certainly changes the tone in the quote.
But, whatever.
We don’t expect the media to play fair.
On Jan. 4, Fisher pointed out the kookiness of the “amen and awoman” prayer offered by a “supposed Democrat minister.”
“Apparently Democrats are too illiterate to understand that amen is not a term dealing with gender,” Fisher wrote. “It means ‘so be it.’ Democrats are so loony they think men can decide they are women and therefore use women’s bathrooms and play in women’s sports. And on and on with the lunacy.”
According to Prichard, Fisher’s comment about guns “suggests violence is an acceptable solution when one does not agree with the outcome of an election.”
According to KCCI, GOP Speaker of the House Pat Grassley said Prichard “clearly believes that the right to free speech should only belong to those he agrees with.”
Fisher should keep telling the truth.
Clearly it bothers the Democrats.
The facts hurt their feelings.
But it doesn’t mean they aren’t still facts.