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Congressman Paul Gosar issued the following statement after H.R. 7365, the Veterans Expedited TSA Screening (VETS) Safe Travel Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by Congressman Gosar that would provide expedited security screening under the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) PreCheck program to severely injured or disabled veterans was marked up successfully in the House Committee on Homeland Security:

“I am pleased that my bipartisan and common-sense legislation providing injured or disabled veterans a safer and more dignified experience when passing through domestic airport security checkpoints by enrolling them in the expedited PreCheck program free of charge was unanimously marked up in committee.

I particularly wish to thank Chairman Mark Green for recognizing the importance of advancing legislation that eliminates many of the challenges disabled veterans face when traveling.

No American veteran, particularly disabled veterans, should be hassled at our airports.  With this successful committee markup, it is time Speaker Johnson brings the VETS Safe Travel Act to the House floor for a final vote,” said Congressman Paul Gosar.

Author: Press Release


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