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On Monday, Governor Kristi Noem signed two pro-Second Amendment bills into law. SB 39 prohibits a homeowners’ association from placing restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition. And HB 1035 extends the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol.

“South Dakota is a Second Amendment haven,” said Governor Noem. “These two bills strengthen our reputation as the most pro-Second Amendment state in the nation. I will always be proud to stand for the God-given right of every American to keep and bear arms.”

Governor Noem also signed the following three pro-hunting and agriculture bills into law:

  • SB 22 amends language regarding the licensing period for a grain buyer;
  • SB 54 updates hunting and fishing residency requirements; and,
  • HB 1033 addresses the administration of State Conservation Commission functions by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Governor Noem has signed 11 bills into law this legislative session.

Author: Press Release


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