I have sat on this for a few days and really cannot remain silent on it for any longer.
Thursday afternoon I watched an Iowa Senate subcommittee where a good bill was approved.
In Iowa, the maximum penalty is the same if someone kidnaps and rapes a child just as if they would kidnap, rape and murder a child.
This current law is not justice.
Not even close.
But I’ll get into that later.
I want to highlight the hypocrisy — and I’m being kind using the word hypocrisy here because every part of me wants to call it evil — of some of the lobbyists who spoke out against or registered against this very limited death penalty bill.
I’m going to name a few of them:
Wendy Abrahamson, Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Rita Betis Austen, ACLU
Mark Stringer, ACLU
Pete McRoberts, ACLU
Amy Campbell, League of Women Voters
Connie Ryan, Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Fund
Craig Patterson, League of Women Voters of Iowa
Laura Hessburg, Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Marcus Haack, Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Alright, so why do I name these specific individuals?
Each of these individuals has registered against the limited death penalty bill and also against the proposed constitutional amendment that says there is no constitutional right in Iowa to an abortion or abortion funding.
How do these people look in the mirror?
How hard-hearted do you have to be to on Thursday show so much concern and compassion for criminals who have kidnapped, raped and murdered a minor to turn around on Tuesday and speak out against a proposed constitutional amendment that says nothing in the Iowa Constitution provides a right to kill an unborn baby?
There are not many crimes worse than the kidnapping, raping and murdering of a child. Yet those people need to be rehabilitated and deserve to live.
Meanwhile, unborn babies have no right to life and should face the death penalty in the womb if that’s what a mother decides?
Give me a freaking break.
How the same person can come to the same conclusions on these two bills and still maintain any sense of morality or conscience they think they have is beyond me.
Let me run some real-life examples by you…
A 10-year-old Missouri girl abducted, sexually assaulted, murdered.
A 9-year-old Florida girl abducted, raped, murdered by being buried alive.
An 8-year-old Ohio girl abducted, raped and murdered.
I’m not going to go into detail, but that stuff happened.
And the people guilty of those crimes shouldn’t be put to death by the state if they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt…meanwhile unborn babies deserve nothing more than a 50-50 shot at life?
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Look, if you want to pretend to be concerned with compassion and justice, that’s fine. But if you’re going to sit here and say that someone who kidnaps, rapes and murders a child is too valuable to kill then an innocent unborn baby should also be too valuable to kill!
Never in my life have I seen such a sickening display of situational ethics.
Life is so, so valuable that we cannot kill someone who kidnaps, rapes and murders a little kid, but it isn’t valuable enough that an unborn baby should avoid its own death penalty despite doing nothing wrong.
It’s sick. It’s twisted. It’s demented.
I waited to write this because I didn’t want to go over the top.
And despite what some of you may think, I have succeeded.
The idea that people will testify against a bill bringing justice to those who kidnap, rape and murder little kids only to turn around a few days later and testify against a bill that doesn’t even stop abortions, but just says there is no right to an abortion in the Iowa Constitution deals a serious blow to what remaining confidence and hope I had for Leftists to reach a point of moral clarity.
It’s wrong. It’s evil.
All I can say is…repent.