HENDRICKSON: Governor Kim Reynolds is a Conservative Leader

Iowa is a beacon of liberty against an onslaught of poor federal policies. President Biden has already proposed $6 trillion in new spending during...

PASTOR GORDON: American church has become one of the seven sons...

The American church has become one of the 7 sons of Sceva. We have no power or authority to confront a topless woman at a...

SCHWEPPE: What Should a Republican-Led Section 230 Reform Look Like?

Over the weekend, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced a new framework for reining in Big Tech. There’s a lot to take away from the...

SCOTUS Protects Donor Confidentiality

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of two donor-supported national organizations that challenged the constitutionality of California’s requirement that charities and nonprofits operating in...

Biden Administration Wants to Eradicate Religious Freedom

Even though many Americans believe their God-given religious freedom is very important, the Biden administration is quickly trying to eradicate it in this nation. Created...

As Biden Weighs “Bailouts” for Big Oil, Grassley, Ernst Hold President...

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today joined Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and four colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden to uphold his promises...

Secretary Pate to host Secretaries of State conference in August

Many of the top election officials from around the country will meet in Iowa this summer. Secretary of State Paul Pate will host the...

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Gen. Milley’s greatest fear is upsetting ‘woke mob,’ ought...

Gen. Mark Milley’s greatest fear is upsetting the woke mob. When Black Lives Matter rioters were threatening to destroy Washington, D.C., he practically begged me not...

VIDEO: Pella mom, city employee says she is looking for the...

During Tuesday's city council meeting in Pella, Melissa Brown introduced herself as a city employee with two children who are also city employees. "I don't...

Family Leader is grateful Iowa Supreme Court upheld authority of legislature...

We are grateful that the Iowa Supreme Court today, by 6-1 vote, rejected every one of Planned Parenthood’s arguments and upheld the rightful authority...

The Iowa Standard quoted by Ben Shapiro during Wednesday podcast

The Iowa Standard was quoted by Ben Shapiro on Wednesday during his podcast. Shapiro discussed the gender identity push being made by radical activists...

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Headed for southern border, which has never been worse...

Heading to the Southern Border, which has never, in our Country’s long history, been worse. We had the most successful Border policy in American...

APP Releases 2020 Post-Election Report; Shows Wokeism Creates Huge Opportunities for...

Today, American Principles Project (APP) released “MAGA After 2020: How the GOP Can Win Again and Save America,” which is both the definitive account...

As Biden Weighs “Bailouts” for Big Oil, Ernst Holds President Accountable...

With reports indicating the Biden Administration is weighing bailouts for Big Oil and undermining the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)...

LETTER: Pella council, mayor can do better

Letter to the City of Pella and it’s Councilmembers: The City of Pella announced, 3 hours before their "special" city council meeting, that they will...

SHORT: Pella aquatic center issue isn’t about trans rights, it is...

This is not about trans rights. This is about standards of morality and the precedent being set here. If I say I identify as...

BIDEN’S BORDER CRISIS: Border Patrol Arrest Seven Criminal Migrants

Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector (RGV) agents arrested four gang members, two sex offenders, and a migrant previously convicted of negligent homicide. Friday afternoon,...

Pella pastor applauds city for allowing teenaged biological female to use...

Jessica Margrave Schirm, a self-described parent of multiple children who live and go to a school and the aquatic center in Pella, Christian and...

REACTION: City of Pella allows biological minor teenaged female to go...

The city of Pella said it has reviewed the incident involving a middle teenaged biological female who went topless at the pool and used...

BREAKING: Pella doubles down on insane aquatic center policy, allows clothing...

On Saturday we told you about the Pella Aquatic Center allowing a middle teenaged biological female to go topless and use the men's facilities...