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Iowa House Subcommittee meetings for Monday, Jan. 31:

12 p.m. – HSB 602 – A bill for an act relating to alcoholic beverage control and matters under the purview of the alcoholic beverages division of the department of commerce and including effective date provisions.

12 p.m. – HSB 601A bill for an act relating to the penalty for public employees and public officials taking money from a public employer.

12:30 p.m. – HSB 603 – A bill for an act requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees based on pregnancy or childbirth and making penalties applicable.

5 p.m. – HSB 516 – A bill for an act relating to the self-administration and storage of bronchodilators and bronchodilator canisters and spacers relative to schools and students.

5 p.m. – HSB 596 – A bill for an act relating to employment security benefits.


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