Reactions were swift from Iowa Republicans after Congresswomen Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer announced Tuesday they would support articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
Jeff Kaufmann, Republican Party of Iowa chairman, said:
“By announcing their plan to support Pelosi’s impeachment charade, Reps. Axne and Finkenauer will be voting to overturn the results of the 2016 election and erase the votes of thousands of Iowans. They promised to work on behalf of Iowans, but instead they went to D.C., put their constituents on the backburner and prioritized Speaker Pelosi’s partisan witch hunt.”
RPI encouraged Iowans to contact the representatives:
Rep. Ashley Hinson, who is one of the Republicans running for the party’s nomination against Finkenauer, was quick to criticize Finkenauer.
“She is putting politics ahead of doing what’s best for our country, and substituting her own will for that of Iowa voters,” Hinson said. “The Democrats in Congress continue to engage in endless investigations and distractions, instead of focusing on what matters to Iowans like USMCA, improving our health care system and securing our border.
“When I go to Washington, I’ll focus on the issues that really matter to Iowa families, not political games. We need new leadership that puts people before politics.”
David Young, who Axne beat in 2018, is running for the nomination in the Third District. He called Axne’s decision to support impeachment “wrong.”
“When Cindy Axne ran for this office, she said she would work in a bipartisan and common sense manner,” Young said. “Yet today, we see her once again legitimizing an impeachment inquiry and process which has been deeply flawed, unfair, rushed and extremely partisan from the very beginning.”
“Impeachment is a serious Constitutional issues pertaining to high crimes and misdemeanors, yet Cindy Axne and her Democrat colleagues are impeaching President Trump without naming a crime outlined in any statute of law. This low bar of impeachment is a dangerous precedent, and partisans like Cindy Axne have brought us to this place.”
State Sen. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is aiming for the Republican nomination in Iowa District 2, which is represented by Congressman Dave Loebsack. Loebsack is not seeking re-election. She criticized Loebsack of his announcement that he too will support impeachment and asked where the likely Democrat candidate, Rita Hart, stands on the issue.
“This entire process have been head-shaking and has dragged on for too long,” she said. “Rep. Dave Loebsack is putting party politics over Iowans with his vote to impeach President Trump.
“And day after day, Rita Hart has continued to dodge the issue of impeachment and not tell Second Congressional District voters where she stands. Americans are tired of the drama and tired of this divisive rhetoric.”
Bobby Schilling, who is also running for the Republican nomination in the Second District, predicted Democrats will regret going down the impeachment path.
“November 3, 2019 will be the day of reckoning for the House Democrats,” Schilling said. “Iowans are sick and tired of the political gamesmanship taking place in Washington. They want someone who will set partisanship aside and put Iowa families first. That’s what I intend to do when elected in November.
“Far be it for me to provide the Democrats with advice, but the path they are on is a surefire way to lose the House in 2020. That starts with the Iowa Second District. Rita Hart is staying quiet on impeachment because she knows it is a political loser with working families.”