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Only 34 percent of American adults believe the founding fathers would consider the United States a success, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey. That number is down from 40 percent one year ago.

Forty-one percent said they believe the founding fathers would view America as a failure. Twenty-five percent are undecided.

Despite that skepticism, 54 percent said the Fourth of July is one of America’s most important holidays, which is five points higher than a year ago.

Eight percent view Independence Day as one of the least important holidays.

Forty-two percent of men said the founding fathers would consider America a success, just 27 percent of women agree.

Sixty-nine percent of Republicans said the Fourth of July is one of the most important holidays. Forty-six percent of Democrats agree.

Last year, when President Donald J. Trump was in the White House, 51 percent of Republicans said the founding fathers would view America as a success. That number has fallen 15 points to 36 percent.

Thirty-six percent of Democrats said the founding fathers would view America as a success, which is only two points higher than a year ago.

Author: Jacob Hall


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