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Kamala followed President Trump to Georgia (days after he delivered supplies and support to hurricane victims) — but all she had to offer was $750 and a “good luck.”

The victims would be better off if they were illegals. Under Kamala, FEMA has run out of money for relief after it blew more than a billion dollars resettling illegal aliens into our country.

Kamala doesn’t care that illegal aliens get the red carpet treatment while American citizens — whose lives and livelihoods have been completely destroyed — get peanuts.

That’s because it’s all about the photo op. Kamala’s drop-in to Georgia (complete with a new crisis jacket) was a choreographed campaign stop designed to maximize favorable coverage, minimize human interaction, and avoid questions at all costs — probably so she didn’t have to answer why she skipped her annual hurricane preparedness briefings.

Illegal immigrants come first for Kamala; they always have and always will. If that means American citizens are left to suffer, so be it.

Kamala will always put Americans LAST.

Author: Press Release


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