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This week, known as the first funnel week, will be a blizzard of meetings and intense pressure from various groups, lobbyists, party leadership.

I will add to that pressure with my expectation that your oath of office will be honored by weighing, measuring each piece of legislation against the Constitutions, both U.S. and state.

That each citizen is treated equally, no special provisions of immunity, no favoring of certain percentages of certain groups of people.   I get compromising, but exempting certain people from equal treatment under the law should not be compromised.  They have just as much right to equal treatment, should they not?

One cannot profess adherence to the Constitutions, defending property rights, then violate their word by voting in favor of special laws of exemption.

The only thing that accomplishes is to bring into question if words can be trusted when actions show otherwise.  I want to believe your words. Your constituents want to believe your words.

Iowans want to believe your words.  The question is, will we be able to?  Or will we be disappointed?

My earnest prayer for each legislator is that you will seek God’s direction, resolve to have His sense of calm and piece amid the intense hoopla, that you will honor Him by the keeping of your oath of office, that your actions reflect your words, that you will have the resolve to resist that which is questionable.

In Him, peace, wisdom, and blessings.

Betsy Fickel
Garner, IA


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