Summit Carbon “Solutions” has come out with a survey showing that Iowans support ethanol. They then make the leap to insinuating that if Iowans support ethanol that they also support CO2 pipelines. This argument is like asking people if they support electricity and when they concur that we tell them that they must then support wind energy.
I want to know how much more money will taxpayers need to spend to make ethanol viable. The government pushes these projects but then they always want more to keep it going. Production Tax Credits for wind, Investment Tax Credits for solar and now the 45Q subsidies to build CO2 pipelines for ethanol.
All these projects have the same root…Climate Change. Climate Change has a root that comes from fear, fear of the unknown. We are told if we just give up some of our land, some more of our money that the Government the Great will make it all better. The powers that be love to create problems that they then can “solve”.
Oh please!! It is the powers that be that mess with our weather. They seed the clouds and take out patents on newfangled chemicals to spray into our atmosphere. Many different countries have weather modification programs. Here is a website I found with all sorts of weather modification information. Sure, some will say that they are trying to stop the climate from changing but isn’t it just a bit possible that they are messing with things that they shouldn’t?
What a fantastic boon for the ones who could control the weather. Certainly, man would love to harness the climate. That kind of power could garner endless money and control over the world.
Fear, love of money, power over others. All these things come from the pit of hell. God tells us the climate will not change (Genesis 8:22). He tells us over and over and over not to fear; assures us that He will take care of us when we submit to His Lordship.
Stop letting people like Jake Ketzner of Summit Carbon “Solutions” sell you this snake oil.