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The smoke from the tabulation machines in Iowa has barely cleared but the makings of a dumpster fire at the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws committee meeting starting today in D.C. is imminent. (the meeting took place yesterday)

First in the nation caucus status for Democrats will be determined and the chances of Iowa Democrats retaining that status are slim to none and after researching the matter I can see why.

The former purple State of Iowa has left the train station and has been replaced by a strong red tint that leaves Democrats wondering who they’re going to sway in Iowa and is that really worthy of a 1st in the nation status?

Second, the reasonably easy securement of an all GOP Iowa congressional delegation in Washington D.C. again shows that the Democratic footprint has been lost in Iowa besides Polk, Story, Johnson, and Linn Counties.  There’s no logical reason to believe that will change and doesn’t give prognosticators a very exciting storyline for Sunday morning “news” shows either.

Next, the intentions of a caucus is to bring people together for the purpose of fellowship, discussions, electing party officials, eating some locally baked cookies, drinking some decaffeinated coffee, and then casting a ballot or giving support for their candidate while being courted by candidate representatives depending on your party affiliation.

Then, Iowa Democrats have determined the issues that they want to focus on in Iowa should be aligned with Californians, Pennsylvanians, Arizonans, New Yorkers, and our neighbors in Illinois. Those states’ left-leaning agendas don’t fit the ideals of Iowans and any data that may be gathered from an Iowa Democratic caucus would be irrelevant on a national stage.

In conclusion, if you’ve seen the proposed caucus method being proposed you’d understand why people like me now realize there’s little chance Iowa Democrats keep their status.  Under the proposal, Iowa Democrats would send in “Presidential Preference Cards.” Voters would then have 14 to 28 days to mail the cards back or place them in a drop box leading up to the caucuses. A party official would then announce the results on caucus night.

This doesn’t look or smell like anything that should determine the viability of a presidential candidate.  Instead it reminds me of my casting of four homecoming queen ballots at Grundy Center High School from 1991-1994. 

Just when many Iowans wouldn’t believe the Democrats could water down or screw up like the caucuses like the 2020 debacle they’ve managed to and throwing mail-in or drop box ballots will inevitably leave doubt even amongst those that critiqued Republicans for questioning election integrity concerns. 

I think it’s fair to say that the national spotlight will be dimmed in Iowa and the influx of cash will end that restaurants owned by prominent Democrats, media outlets that sell advertising held by liberal-leaning companies, and other ancillary services that profit from caucuses will be diminished.

At the end of the day, it’s all likely a moot point as the caucus has already been held in the minds of Democrats and they have chosen a man focused on personal gain, identity politics, climate change, an open border, no respect for the unborn, removing parental engagement from families, and a goal of removing every semblance of a Judeo-Christian worldview from the fabric of American society.  I’m proud to announce your 2024 Iowa Democratic Caucus winner, Joe Biden.

  • BJ Hoffman


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