Liberty Counsel Action presented testimony today in Massachusetts against Senate Bill 70, which would stop minors and their family from receiving any counsel for unwanted same sex attraction or gender confusion. This bill would enable the state to take custody of minors if their parents allowed simple talk therapy. This bill also would give criminal punishments to professional counselors who enhance their counseling with their personal testimonies or religious beliefs – if that speech doesn’t support LGBT activities. In contrast, the state allows minors to receive hormone treatments and mutilation under sex-change surgeries.
Jonathan Alexandre, J.D., Director of Public Policy for Liberty Counsel Action, testified before the Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities senate committee. Two survivors of the Pulse Nightclub shooting joined with Liberty Counsel Action in opposition to this bill. After this tragedy, both of the survivors became Christians and left homosexuality.
“This proposed law will have devastating, life-threatening consequences,” said Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, “These legislators have no right to censor a counselor and the client.”