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Liberty Counsel Action strongly opposes Oregon HB 2217-A, which will establish doctor-led suicide, reminiscent of Jack Kevorkian injections. This bill passed the House last month 37 to 21 and will face a vote in the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee today, May 20, 2019. This bill is so radical that many traditional supporters of euthanasia, such as Death with Dignity National Center and Compassion & Choices, oppose it.

Currently, Oregon law only allows lethal medication in the form of prescription pills taken orally. This bill will drastically expand this. Once “consent” is given, the patient would be put completely under anesthetics to render him or her unconscious. This eliminates the chance for second thoughts or last chances. At this moment of complete helplessness, then the doctor administers three lethal shots. This places the power to end the patient’s life solely in the hands of the doctor.

This directly removes doctors from the role of healer and places them as the arbiters and enforcer of death. Vulnerable patients can be manipulated and coerced into requesting a lethal injection that would end their lives by greedy family members. Improper medical care can lead to poor pain management or undiagnosed depression. This bill throws open the door to abuse people in these vulnerable situations. There is a strong majority of Democrats in the state senate and Governor’s seat.

“It actually results in the cheapening of human life,” said Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. “HB 2217-A delves far deeper than any assisted suicide law in this country. There is real concern that ultimately you will see doctors deciding to end the life of an elderly, disabled or a sick individual with coerced, or complete absences of, consent. Legalizing euthanasia in this form is the murder of a vulnerable elderly individual. It gives complete power to the physician to end a patient’s life.”

Liberty Counsel Action strongly opposes this bill and is working together with a coalition of groups opposing this attempt to legalize murder through assisted lethal injection. Oregon residents can find and contact their senators here: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/senate/Pages/SenatorsAll.aspx


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