Regularly gathering around the dinner table as a family is a common practice in most cultures that has benefits for the child, the parents, the family, and even the community at large. In its updated statement release, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) provides extensive evidence for the benefits of the Family Table and describes how best to implement the practice.
Making the Family Table a priority from an early age can serve as a “vaccine” against many of the harms that come to children from a hurried lifestyle. Children in families that eat together tend to eat a healthier diet and have a lower risk of obesity. Teens who have frequent family meals are more likely to make better grades in school and experience less bullying from peers.
Former ACPeds Director and statement author, Dr. Jane Anderson, stated, “In this day of hectic lifestyles that strain family relationships, the Family Table is just the prescription for every young family. It gives children the focused attention they need while nurturing their physical and emotional health.”
Learn more about The Benefits of the Family Table at