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Michael Moore posted a Facebook Live video on Saturday warning Americans about what he believes is to come as we approach Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Moore called the protest at the United States Capitol “Trump’s terrorist attack” and he said it wasn’t random.
“It was planned, aided and abetted by certain members of the police, the military and the Republican Party,” Moore wrote. “And it was only the dry run. This violent attack is not over.”
In a written post prior to his Facebook Live, Moore warned about “these white terrorists.”
“Unless these white terrorists are arrested NOW – en masse – there will be people killed between now and Inauguration Day,” Moore wrote. “I can’t stress this enough. Way too many police are sympathetic to their white terrorist brethren. They will stand down again and allow the violence to continue.”
Moore said “the mob is everywhere.”
“They often wear red hats and have no COVID masks on their face,” he wrote. “Some carry weapons, some make bombs and a few kill cops while chanting ‘Blue Lives Matter!’ All of them know they are protected by their white skin and believe nothing will happen to them.”
In addition to his radical rhetoric about Trump supporters, Moore posted “seven critical truths.”
1. This attack on the Capitol was an Inside Job in which some Republican members of Congress and their staff assisted the mob in getting into and through the Capitol building.
2. Various elements of law enforcement also assisted in the attack, as did rogue cops and current and ex-military from around the country. Current members of the NYPD and the Seattle police force have been identified in footage as part of the mob. Reports say they’ve also identified active-duty troops participating in the attack – plus a police chief and a sheriff – as members of the mob. The guy inside the House chamber carrying the large number of police-grade handcuff zip-ties is a retired Lt. Colonel.
3. Trump was the ringleader and the inciter – and when cries of help were made to him to send in the National Guard to protect the Capitol and our elected representatives, Trump refused.
4. This attack was a dry run for more violent attacks the terrorists are planning to launch before the Inauguration.
5. Why did members of Congress tell their staff to stay home on Wednesday “for their own safety?” Everyone knew there would be trouble. Yet, stunningly, 1,900 Capitol Police were told to stay home on Wednesday. Only 400 reported to work. It was designed for them to be overrun.
6. Of the very few terrorists who have now been arrested, not one of them has been charged with domestic terrorism. “Trespassing” is the most common charge.
7. White supremacists were everywhere in the mob. Some wore T-shirts proclaiming, “6 Million Was Not Enough.” Our military and police departments across the country have been infiltrated by white supremacists and hard-core racists. Defunding them will defang them. Everyone knows had that mob been Black, they’d all be dead. We need to start over with a whole new concept of criminal justice, and new anti-racist peacekeeping officers.
Then, on Jan. 11, Moore suggested Republicans who “voted in favor of the ‘terrorists’ demands” should be “immediately removed.”
Moore, of course, doesn’t see his role in the mood of the country. Obviously, seeing as he posted this image on Wednesday.