Miller-Meeks Recognizes National Charter School Week

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On Friday, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-02) spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to recognize National Charter School Week.

Thank you, Mdm. Speaker, I rise today to recognize National Charter School Week.

National Charter School Week is a time to recognize that every student should have access to a high-quality education. It is also a time to celebrate the educators who work tirelessly to make sure that happens.

Every family should have the ability to choose the best education that fits the needs for their child, regardless of zip code. Charter schools are an important part of school choice.

Last year I joined Senator Tim Scott to introduce the CHOICE Act. This commonsense bill would provide families with greater options with regards to their children’s education.

When I left home to go to college at the age of sixteen, I did so to pursue the best educational opportunities available. I believe that students should always have the opportunity to succeed no matter where they live and I will always fight for them.

Thank you, Mdm. Speaker, I yield back my time.

Author: Press Release


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