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Congressman Alex X. Mooney has introduced H.R 6096, The Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2023.

This bill requires the Department of Defense to annually submit to Congress a report on allied contributions to the common defense. Countries included in the report will be all NATO members, Arab Gulf allies, and Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand.

Representatives Ralph Norman (R-SC), Dan Bishop (R-NC), Randy Weber (R-TX) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) have joined as cosponsors.

“With multiple conflicts raging around the world, it is now more important than ever that Congress be given annual reports on how our allies are contributing to common defense efforts,” said Congressman Mooney.

Congressman Mooney added, “I share President Trump’s concern that allies are not doing enough to meet the agreed upon share of the budget spent on defense. We must hold them accountable to their commitments as the United States cannot afford to bear the financial burden alone.”

Author: Press Release


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