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As I scrolled through Facebook looking for reactions to the impeachment of President Donald Trump, one caught my attention.

Bryan Baumgart, former Douglas County chairman (Nebraska), said the actions of the House Democrats have brought about a change in his thoughts entering 2020.

Previously, Baumgart renounced membership in his Nebraska county party. He told KETV that he wanted to “send a message that the Republicans of Douglas County and Nebraska aren’t all united in that endorsement of Donald Trump. I want to be able to say I’m a Republican and be proud of it.”

Baumgart noted he was a NeverTrumper.

“Tonight the Democrat House officially brought this guy from a #NeverTrumper who left the GOP over Trump’s nomination to pledging my vote for Trump in 2020,” Baumgart wrote. “They had an entire myriad of actual issues to run on and make the case for replacing Trump next year. Instead, they choose hyper-partisan political theater. It’s a slap in the face to our Republic and to all voters smart enough to look beyond the charade that was a party-line vote that couldn’t even garner support from all Dems.”

Baumgart speculated that, based on polling and donations, he isn’t alone.

“The Dems shot themselves in the foot,” he wrote. “Now Senate Republicans will end this charade. The GOP will rake in the donations, both houses pass yet another ridiculous spending bill and Trump signs it into law, and the game continues at our expense.”

Ultimately, Wednesday’s impeachment set a dangerous precedent, Baumgart wrote.

“Just drum up charges and use hearsay to back up your party-line vote,” he wrote. “Presidential elections were cheapened. Now, the future is likely to hold partisan attempts to gain control of both houses and overturn the vote of the People. Forget yard signs and radio ads. Welcome to the new age of campaign tactics.”

While Baumgart said “two-party politics suck,” he added the party guilty of stooping to this level is “dangerous to our Republic and the very fabric holding it in place.

“They became enemy No. 1.”

Baumgart said he’ll deal with unprincipled Republicans later, but on Wednesday, “we went from both parties are dangerous, to one party is nearly treasonous and must feel the consequences of its behavior.”

“From a purely constitutional perspective, what the Democrat Party engaged in tonight is the single biggest clear and present danger to the future of our Republic. It can’t be tolerated.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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