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Pastor Todd Stiles of First Family Church in Ankeny wrapped up the public comments portion of the meeting. He also is with The FAMiLY Leader.

“Fundamental to a shepard’s role is valuing life,” he said. “We protect vulnerable sheep.
“What’s not fundamental to a shepard’s role is death, the opposite of life. Yes, it occurs, but we by no means nurture death.”

He encouraged the lawmakers to embrace their fundamental role as shepards in the government for the people.

“Support this amendment, which would push back against judicial tyranny and help end the culture of death that’s so prevalent in society,” Stiles said. “Life, not abortion, that is the fundamental right of every citizen in Iowa.

“Shepards stand against wolves that want to destroy. Whether the wolf is disguised as Planned Parenthood or activist judges. You’re the shepards of the state. I urge you to support this amendment.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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