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Congressman Bob Good (VA-05) introduced the Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing Act (SHUSH Act), which would deregulate suppressors at the federal level and preempt state law that regulates, taxes, or prohibits the possession of suppressors.

Suppressors are a firearm accessory that helps ensure safety by protecting hearing, limiting recoil, and perfecting aim.

“I oppose any form of regulation or tax on the People’s right to keep and bear arms. No constitutional right should be at risk due to public opinion, or subject to regulatory and tax burdens. These rights certainly extend to the procurement of safety accessories for firearms,” said Good. “My legislation would eliminate the overly complicated and antiquated process for acquiring suppressors and ensure that those purchases are no longer subject to federal regulation.”

“Suppressors are accessories and should be treated just like magazines, scopes, or gun stocks. Treating an accessory the same as a gun sets a bad precedence for anti-gun legislators to further regulate other accessories in the future. There’s no reason they should be subjected to the Brady registration scheme. We’re happy and privileged to be able to work with Rep. Good on this legislation,” said Hunter King, Director of Political Affairs at National Association for Gun Rights.

“We applaud Rep. Good for his leadership on the issue of suppressors, as hearing loss is an easily avoidable yet well documented issue in the shooting community. The National Firearms Act regulations on suppressors are an unconstitutional infringement and should be abolished. We urge Congress to act and empower millions of Americans to protect their hearing while exercising their Second Amendment rights,” said Aidan Johnston, Gun Owners of America’s Director of Federal Affairs.

Currently, firearms are regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This requires individuals to obtain approval and register their suppressor with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), as well as pay a $200 tax that is required for most NFA items. The delay someone experiences when purchasing a suppressor can last up to a year or longer.

Co-sponsors (7): Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Andy Ogles (TN-05), Clay Higgins (LA-03), Brian Babin (TX-36), Matt Rosendale (MT-02), Barry Moore (AL-02), Ralph Norman (SC-05)

Supporting Groups (2): National Association for Gun Rights, Gun Owners of America

Author: Press Release


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