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This week We spent several hours on the House Floor in debate and so much was accomplished.   A list of bills passed out of the house this week can be found HERE.

One bill that was particularly interesting was HF 802, prohibiting gender and race-based stereotyping in training and curriculum.  This bill prohibits training or curriculum that present certain divisive concepts that rely on race or gender-based stereotypes as fact. It does not ban or limit diversity training or limit the teaching of history as many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have misled.  The diverse concepts outlined in this bill often referred to as “critical race theory” claim to fight racism but are often racist in themselves.  It teaches to label, demonize and stereotype people rather than base your judgment on the content of a person’s character.  We can’t fight racism with more racism, we need to unite and understand to learn from history and not teach our kids to hate and divide.  Ironically, on the day of this debate, my mom sent me a photo of my sister, our grandpa and me with our neighbors Bobby and Betty (see photo below).  My dad was in the Army and in our neighborhoods near Fort Brag, NC and Ft. Benning, GA, my sister and I were the kids that looked and spoke differently.  It didn’t matter, my sister and our neighbors were just happy to have friends to play with.  Our focus should be on teaching our kids to have respect for those who are different and accept that we are one race, the Human Race.

The House also passed another important piece of legislation late last evening, that many of you have been asking me for since I began serving you in legislature.  HF 756 was our 2nd Amendment bill.  Your right to keep and bear arms is essential and we are committed to protecting that right. This bill improves public safety by ensuring law-abiding citizens can protect themselves immediately, tightens the loopholes on private sales and allows law enforcement officers to carry on school grounds regardless of if they are on or off duty.  This bill DOES NOT eliminate background checks as many are being misled to believe and there are still restrictions as to where you can carry as a citizen.  This bill is actually likely to increase the amount and frequency of background checks on gun purchases.  If you continue to carry your five-year permit in the state, one background check is sufficient (and upon every renewal of the permit), if you choose not to carry a permit (constitutional carry), you will have a background check with every gun purchase you make at store or gun shop.

Both of these bills will be messaged to the Senate and will become law should the senate pass them and upon the signature of Governor Reynolds.


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