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Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Department of Education have extended closure for all school districts and nonpublic schools for the remainder of the school year to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This also includes the cancellation of spring sports activities. Schools will continue to offer continuous learning to students during this time.

The governor and the Iowa Department of Education also announced that the state of Iowa will:

  • Waive instructional time requirements for the remainder of the 2019-2020 regularly scheduled academic year for schools that continue to provide continuous learning through one of two approved options, voluntary educational enrichment opportunities, required educational services, or a combination of the two.
  • Require schools to submit a Return to Learn Plan to the Iowa Department of Education by July 1 outlining ways they will address disruptions to learning as a result of COVID-19. This could include summer school, enrichment activities or other opportunities to address the needs of learners.
  • Waive the requirement that schools start no earlier than Aug. 23, allowing school districts and nonpublic schools to make local decisions about the length of their 2020-2021 academic year.

An announcement on summer sports activities and when other school-sponsored activities can resume will be made by June 1.

Updated FAQ for parents and families with new information stemming from today’s announcement that students will not return to brick-and-mortar schools buildings this year and to address Return-to-Learn plans.

You can access the document on Department of Education’s website:

Author: Sandy Salmon


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