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The week starting Dec. 2 began with the news of a disgusting display sitting in the State Capitol Building in Des Moines, a satanic altar placed there by the Iowa Satanic Temple.  The outrage and disgust for this satanic display is widespread, but few people think there is much that can be legally done about it because of free speech and freedom of religion. However, I disagree.

The Iowa Constitution is the supreme law of the State of Iowa, and it establishes the legal foundation upon which all other state laws are built. The opening paragraph (Preamble) of the Iowa Constitution sets the tone for the rest of the Constitution, or we could say, it establishes a lens through which the rest of the document is viewed and interpreted. The Preamble to our Constitution says:

Preamble. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF IOWA, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of those blessings, do ordain and establish a free and independent government, by the name of the State of Iowa…,
According to these opening lines of our Constitution, the foundation for laws and continued blessing and success in Iowa is based on these points:
  1. There is One Supreme God.
  2. Blessings over this state come from the One Supreme God.
  3. We must depend upon the One Supreme God if we want to enjoy continued blessings.
It is a tortured and twisted interpretation of law that affords Satan, who is universally understood to be the enemy of God, religious expression equal to God in an institution of government that depends upon God for continued blessings. Such a legal view not only violates the very foundation of our State Constitution, but it offends the God upon whom we depend and undermines our well-being.

If we claim to believe in the One Supreme Being, the God of all creation, we cannot claim an exemption from obedience to Him in things relating to civil government. In fact, if we claim Him as our God, then we as legislators and government officials are His ministers. As such we must submit to Him in government as much as any other area of life. Either He is God or He is not.

For those who wish to worship Satan, they are free to do so on their private property.  But to allow satanic expression in the State Capitol and other public property is to surrender to Satan’s demands for equality with God which was his original sin: “I will be like the Most High” (see Isaiah 14:14).

Therefore, based on the laws of God and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and for the purpose of securing the blessings of God upon our state:

  • I am calling for our governor to have this blasphemous display removed immediately based on the grounds that it is unconstitutional and offends God upon whom the State of Iowa depends for blessings.
  • I am calling for clarifying legislation to be adopted in accordance with our State Constitution that prohibits satanic displays in our Capitol building and on all state-owned property.
  • I am calling for legislation to be adopted that makes it legal to display the Ten Commandments in our Capitol, in all buildings owned by the state, and in our public schools.
If we want the blessings of God upon our state, we must demonstrate by our laws and actions that we are indeed depending upon Him and that we are opposed to Satan. And during this Christmas season, let us remember this wonderful passage of Scripture and the promise of peace on earth:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: And the government shall be upon His shoulder: And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.    — Isaiah 9:6


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