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On Monday, Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) sent a letter to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Denis R. McDonough, expressing outrage over McDonough’s misguided encouragement of VA medical facilities across the country to display “pride” flags. The letter emphasizes how the flag puts one group of veterans above the rest, is a waste of taxpayer dollars, and calls for the prohibition of “pride” flags from being flown at the Montana VA Healthcare System and VA facilities nationwide.

“The VA should be worrying more about providing world-class care to our veterans and less about inundating them with propagandist gay flags,” said Rep. Rosendale. “This unnecessary distraction does absolutely nothing to ensure our veterans are receiving the healthcare and benefits they have earned. I call on Sec. McDonough and all VA medical centers to halt this discriminatory virtue signaling immediately.”

Author: Press Release


  1. This partly explains why the service at the VA has been going down hill the last few years. I am one of the people that has always defended the VA when someone was running it down. But I can’t do that anymore. The quality of the doctors isn’t what it used to be and they are afraid to do anything that might make the bureaucrats that are watching over their shoulders unhappy. I limit my appointments to phone calls until it is mandatory for a in person visit. It doesn’t matter what I ask for I never get it, they always have alternative to what I ask for even when it’s something I have used with good results in the past. I’m still getting bills while the stinking government is giving the stinking illegals more in a month then my VA bill is for a year.


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