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Last Tuesday, Rep. Roy (TX-21) addressed the House Floor.

Key quotes from the speech are below and the full speech can be found here.

  • “If [Republicans] think I’m going to vote for any of our appropriations bills without forcing this President to his knees to secure the border of the United States, you’re out of your dang mind. Enough. Use the power of the purse – quit wilting in the corner.”  
  • “That’s my call to my Republican colleagues. Don’t walk away from the fight. We blinked on Memorial Day. That’s the truth. We blinked $4 trillion…We are not going to allow Republicans to blink again in this appropriations season.”
  • “The reality is that we are currently living in a cultural oligarchy – a bureaucratic oligarchy – where the rich and the powerful protect their status and prestige at the cost of the American dream… These elite forces in the government, and corporate America, and our education system, feel different but they are all on the same team. They are people who profit even as the rest of us suffer.”
  • “We have a system where too often today crony policies help big woke corporations make windfall profits, while families struggle with inflation and small businesses struggle to stay afloat amid a mountain of regulatory burdens and costs.”
  • “The American people are fed up with words. They deserve action. We can’t promise a wall, and not build a wall. We can’t say we’re going to protect freedom, and then cave to Dr. Fauci, and let him retire scot-free. You can’t tell Americans you’re going to protect their money, and then get distracted in hiding behind Hunter Biden’s drama and his family’s money. We can’t say we’re against a two-tiered system of justice, and not hold this President and this cabinet – Mayorkas, Garland – all of them accountable for targeting Americans and abandoning and endangering their country and making a mockery of the Constitution.”
  • “But teachers unions and bureaucrats want to teach [our kids] that merit and achievement are bad. That skin color defines all of us. That there isn’t man and woman. And that America is evil. Meanwhile, the same elites want to undermine the basic parental right to raise their children in their own values and push harmful gender ideology on them.”
  • “Here we are talking about beating China, and we don’t have the industrial capacity to sneeze at China right now. And that should worry everybody in this chamber. But instead, we get nothing but fits of angst over social engineering, over equity, over LGBTQ, over all manners of apologizing for past sins. We have a world to go engage in.”
  • “What the average American notice is all around them in every part of their daily lives, is that systematic, political, cultural rot. And I use that term rot intentionally. When something rots, it decays from the inside. Even though it looks fine, it’s falling apart.” 

Author: Press Release


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