From Terry Schilling with American Principles Project:
Did you hear what just happened with the NCAA?
Last week, former general counsel for the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency William Bock III resigned from his post on the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions.
Bock submitted his resignation letter citing the NCAA’s policy to allow transgender-identifying men to compete in women’s sports as his primary motivation for stepping down. This is a big deal.
This is the first in what we hope will be a consistent shift in protesting the NCAA and its woke policies.
The former committeeman said prior to his decision to step down that he consulted with experts in sports physiology and developmental biology to ensure he understood the science behind the issue. Ultimately after consulting experts he came to the conclusion that allowing biological men to participate in women’s sports was morally and scientifically wrong.
Famously, the NCAA allowed transgender athlete Lia Thomas, a biological male, to compete in the women’s swimming championships, taking a podium placement away from Kentucky All-American Riley Gaines.
Now, Riley is one of the leading voices in pushing back against the anti-trans agenda and a great partner to APP’s work in stopping this nonsense.
APP has been the leader in the fight to protect women’s sports for years, and injecting this issue into the national narrative has only been possible because of you!
Let me be clear: the NCAA is nothing more than another woke entity pushing the Left’s agenda to take opportunities away from our daughters. Enough is enough.