The World Health Organization (WHO), which is the health care policy arm of the United Nations, is scheduled to vote at the end of May on amendments proposed by the Biden administration to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
Much concern has been raised regarding the loss of United States national sovereignty in areas of health care, travel, and economic control should these amendments be adopted, as well as the usurpation of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
Here is what the amendments do:
1. Change the WHO from simply an advisory body that just makes recommendations to a legally binding authority (Articles 1 and 42)
2. Asserts authority of the WHO over anything that has the “potential to impact public health” (Article 2)
3. Removes the requirement to “respect dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people” (Article 3)
4. Gives control to the WHO over an “allocation plan for health products” to require states to supply health products as directed (Article 13A)
5. Gives WHO authority to mandate medical treatments, including examinations, treatment, medications, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine and to implement contact tracing (Article 18)
6. Gives WHO authority to issue global health certificates, digital or paper, for tests, vaccines, treatment, recovery, tracing and tracing, traveler’s health declaration (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, and 44)
7. Would empower the Emergency Committee to override decisions of sovereign nations regarding health measures (Article 43)
8. Would require increased funding from America and other nations (Article 44A)
9. Would empower WHO to censor “disinformation and misinformation” at its own discretion (Annex 1)
10. Would create an obligation by nations to construct and maintain WHO infrastructure at all ports of entry (Annex 10)
Clearly, these proposed changes leave little doubt as to the severe erosion of national sovereignty that would be experienced by our nation and its people, affecting even everyday life. The Constitution is the supreme law of our country and not the dictates of an international organization.
WHO’s leadership has a record of being inordinately influenced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP has refused to allow a credible and comprehensive international investigation into the origins of the COVID pandemic, among many other of their destructive activities.
Senators Grassley and Ernst are signed onto legislation that says Senate approval is required before the amendments can have the force of law in the United States. I would wholeheartedly agree and would urge you to contact them and your Congressman or Congresswoman that you want the United States to:
1) Stop funding the WHO (we are the biggest contributor)
2) Withdraw from the WHO (President Trump began the withdrawal process and President Biden reversed it).
3) Require ratification of this treaty by the Senate if we don’t leave the WHO