Anita Keve hasn’t always been active in politics. Keve, who is a member of the Black Hawk County GOP Central Committee, found a skull in her yard earlier this week with threatening messages plastered all over it.
“At first, I was disgusted,” she said. “It didn’t scare me; it still doesn’t scare me. I just thought it was nasty and uncalled for. I just called the police to come and look at it and they took it away.”
Keve started watching politics in 2008.
“It just scared me the way (Obama) was going to change our country,” she said. “So, that’s when I started paying attention.”
It was around 2012 when she joined the Black Hawk County GOP committee. As senior citizens, they’ve seen a lot, but nothing like this.
“Not around here, no sir,” she said. “I mean, they steal signs, but big deal, we just go to the office, get another one and put it back up. They stole my Trump sign, but we just replaced it, no big deal.”
She didn’t expect the incident to take off like it has.
“I had no idea it was going to go viral like it has,” she said. “It shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t happen to anybody on either side.”