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In a decisive move to address concerns about federal overreach and corruption, the South Dakota Senate recently passed the Convention of States application. The vote, which took place on Tuesday afternoon, resulted in a 23-9 approval, marking a pivotal advancement in the effort to call an Article V convention.

This victory comes shortly after the Senate State Affairs Committee passed the bill last week, highlighting a consistent push from within the state legislature to curb what some describe as federal tyranny.

If the South Dakota House of Representatives follows suit, the state will become the 20th to join the Convention of States movement, aimed at proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution that would limit federal spending, power, and terms of office.

“I want to congratulate the amazing team in South Dakota for making this monumental victory a reality,” reacted Convention of States Senior Vice President for Legislative Affairs Rita Peters. “Today, South Dakota has taken a bold step forward in the fight to restore balance to our federal system.”

This legislative achievement is seen as a significant milestone for the Convention of States movement, which continues to gain traction across the nation. Advocates are hopeful that this momentum will carry over to the House and beyond, ensuring South Dakota’s place in the broader national effort to reclaim the principles of limited government and self-governance.

For further information, please contact: [email protected]

Author: COS Action


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