You cannot reach God by being good. Your works of goodness have NO effect on the destination of your eternal soul. Is there anything that only you can do that God cannot? Can He feed the poor without you? Yes. Can He pastor that church without you? Yes. Can He give money to that ministry? Yes. There is nothing you can do for Him that He cannot do for Himself. Your works are not rare and precious offerings before the Lord. He created everything and all belongs to Him.
The one and only thing you have to give Him is your heart. Whatever it is that quickens your heart; sports, relationships, money, your family should be in line after your love for Him.
We can only have that sort of love when we understand what He has done for us. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to die horrifically, brutally on a cross. Jesus took the wrath of God on Himself for all of our sins. That is why He is called The Lamb of God, the Perfect Sacrifice, the One Who Takes Away the Sin of the World. He did this for people that do not love Him, people walking in sin and disobedience. When we sin, we die. We are all born into this world spiritually dead. Only through Jesus can we be spiritually born.
To reconcile our relationship to Him we acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves. We are nothing without Him. Our sin sets us on the far shore of God. Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 Why? We need His blood, His sacrifice to cover our sins. We receive this by realizing that we need His forgiveness and asking for it. He will forgive any and all sins. He will begin a work in you that you may not even see but in hindsight.
I write these articles because Jesus is the answer to everything and I cannot stress that enough. We live in an awful world. He is an escape route and the most powerful shield even while we still walk in this flesh.
There is a prophet of God I listen to. He has a great understanding of Scripture that I love. He also receives powerful messages from the Lord. Judge his message for yourself. While we are here, we are all still not perfect. Truth is discerned through the heart by the Spirit of God.
The message here is not for the feint of heart. Please see The Elijah List, INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING WITH ROBIN AND STEVE – EPISODE 31. The entire episode is fantastic. The word from God concerning the viruses and the jab comes at minute 120:00.
Know that this world is temporary. Look up into the sky and know that the One who created all that also specifically created you and He is seeking your heart. Submit and He WILL make you whole.