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The “Pilgrim Code of Law” is agreed to be the first justifiable “constitution” in world history, and its contents…overtly Christian. Why? Because wherever “rebel” Protestants colonized on the American frontier, so appeared the church covenants of those radical Christians. Their covenants, not only provided structure for their churches, but, as their campsites inevitably grew into villages, towns and cities, those same church covenants evolved into what we know today as “constitutionalism.” You see, the men of the colonial frontier knew through close study of Scripture, that it provided all the principles and procedures necessary to establish a successful city.

Vuala! While constitutionalism in its embryonic stages certainly existed prior to this date, de-centralized constitutionalism was born, on November 15, 1636 when the Calvinist colonists gathered to approve the Pilgrim Code of Law![ix]

Our American Constitution, in fact, is squarely the invention of Christian people, both before and after 1787. Ultimately, the modern secularist who argues against this fact of history is almost always biblically illiterate, so they aren’t capable of offering proper credence and respect to the appropriate role of the modern Christian faith in American politics.

I said that to say this: Abortion is a horrible thing. The idea of a single mother killing her own child causes every Christian great sorrow and a righteous anger in defense of the innocent child.

Well, individuals aren’t the only ones capable of murdering individual lives. Collectives can abort individual rights. Collectives can war against collectives. Apostate Churches have already aborted nations across Europe.

The apostate American church is having an abortion right now – before your eyes. The surrendering American church is aborting the very nation they gave birth to on November 15, 1636.

The same church that gave birth to constitutionalism is in the process of having an abortion to rid itself of the inconvenience of “limited government.” Why? Because cultural Marxism much prefers UNLIMITED government.

For more information, please visit http://enemieswithinthechurch.com.

Author: Cary Gordon

Cary Gordon is a tenured non-denominational pastor, who has served his local church (Cornerstone World Outreach of Sioux City) for the last 25 years. His most recent book, A Storm, A Message, A Bottle, has been highly acclaimed and endorsed by many church authorities across denominational lines. During the last election cycle, the Des Moines Register identified him as one of the 50 Most Wanted Republican influencers for presidential politics in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucuses. He is the face of the upcoming documentary movie, Enemies Within: The Church.


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