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Democrat State Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad took to Twitter on July 5 to express his “unconditional love” of America:

This July 5 tweet is odd considering where Abdul-Samad spent part of his Fourth of July. Samad, as you may remember, was at the Des Moines Black Lives Matter hate America festival at the Iowa Capitol. Abdul-Samad asked an Iowan to leave a public protest on public property when the individual was being harassed by Black Lives Matter sympathizers.

Here is some of what one speaker at the event Abdul-Samad attended had to say:

“I guess I’ll just start off by saying f*ck the United States of America. F*ck ’em. Um, f*ck the state of Iowa. Um, f*ck every monument to white supremacy, which includes this racist ass (inaudible), includes this racist ass f*cking building right here (pointing at the Capitol). F*ck all that s*it. F*ck this monument to white supremacy right here with the gold dome.

“We all know, everyone here (inaudible) know that the USA – United States of America – is a country that was founded from the genocide of natives and was built off the backs of enslaved Africans. White supremacy is in the DNA of this country. When you think the United States of America, you should think white supremacy. You should think violence. You should think racism. You should think capitalism. You should think all of the evils in this world. That’s how this nation was founded. These are just facts. These are truths that need to be said always. We need to keep reminding folks that because we know they’re trying to whitewash.”

Jaylen Cavil went on to say July 4 is supposed to be a holiday celebrating the Declaration of Independence — “a document that was written by slave owners,” he said.

“A document that refers to native people as merciless savages,” he said. “That’s what we’re supposed to be celebrating? Nah, I’m not celebrating that s*it. Nah, so f*ck this fake ass holiday, f*ck the Declaration of Independence, f*ck the founding fathers because they’re all racist pieces of s*it.”

Cavil said the “facts” he has been sharing in his speech are now illegal to share in the state.

“They want to ban the truth from being taught in schools,” he said. “Why? They’re scared. Why are they scared? Because the people are rising. The more people that know the truth about our history, about the history of this country, the more dangerous it is for them.”

Cavil said Americans are still living under slavery to this day.

“We need it abolished,” he said. “We need to rise up and we need to topple every single monument to white supremacy. We need to organize and we need to fight.”

Cavil called for tearing down capitalism, homophobia, transphobia, monuments to white supremacy and other things.

In his closing remarks, he said f*ck the United States of America one more time.

His speech was described as “powerful words.”

Another speaker called on “these racist motherf*ckers,” while pointing at the Capitol, to remove the white supremacist statues.

“I want these motherf*ckers to take responsibility for the racist actions of their ancestors and do the work for us,” she said. “They need to do the work. We need to force them to do the work. And yes, we can force them to do that in all sorts of ways — on the streets, through our homes, through social media, through other ways that I don’t need to talk about here, and through voting.”

The same speaker talked about the white supremacist mentality that affects homes, lands and environments.

“These monuments are hate speech,” she said. “The other thing that blows my mind is that they recently banned Critical Race Theory in Iowa…the point of Critical Race Theory is about understanding the past and the truth. The truth will not be whitewashed.”

She turned her anger toward Christopher Columbus who she called a “rapist, a murderer and a slave trader.”

“And these guys right here, I don’t like the look of them,” she said pointing to another monument. “So, why is it that they’re introducing a ban, or they have introduced a ban on Critial Race Theory, but yet they’re celebrating white supremacy. We know why. Because they’re all a bunch of oppressors. White supremacist oppressors. Kim Reynolds is a white supremacist.”

She called for “infiltrating” their “colonized system.”

There were other speakers equally filled with hate for America. Yet Abdul-Samad somehow expects people to believe he has “unconditional love” for the country while he attends and supports events like this.

Author: Jacob Hall


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