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As a result of Liberty Counsel’s demand letter, the City of Racine has agreed that a Christian ministry has the right to peacefully speak and share biblical messages in public areas outside abortion facilities, during LGBTQ events, and for other community assemblies.  Despite previously discriminating against the group’s First Amendment rights, city officials now have confirmed that there is not a policy or practice prohibiting protected speech in public areas within the city, including the perimeter sidewalks around City Hall or any other city sidewalks. Therefore, according to city officials, no person engaging in lawful activity in Racine, including Christian ministries, will be excluded from exercising their rightful free speech rights in the future.

Tarry One Hour is a Christian ministry that shares Christian messages through personal conversations, literature distribution, and public signs primarily in Milwaukee, Madison, and Racine. However, the City of Racine recently violated the group’s First Amendment rights at its own ordinance by preventing them from ministering on a public sidewalk surrounding City Hall in Racine during a LGBTQ event that coincided with the “Pride Day” Resolution on June 23, 2024.

Twelve volunteers from the ministry organized an outreach to minister to attendees expressing gender confusion at the public event at City Hall Plaza. When the ministry volunteers arrived, apparently the City had barricaded all of the sidewalks surrounding the City Hall Plaza where the public event was being held. When a ministry volunteer tried to enter the area, she was threatened with arrest. Also, the shift police commander stated that anyone who tried to go beyond the barricade would be arrested for trespassing.

In response to Liberty Counsel, city officials confirmed that: “The City of Racine permits speakers on public fora located within the City of Racine; The City of Racine does not have a policy or practice prohibiting protected speech on the perimeter sidewalks around City Hall; and no person engaging in lawful activity will be excluded from the sidewalks around City Hall or any other public city sidewalks.”

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “This is a great victory for Tarry One Hour and all other Christian ministries in Racine. Under the First Amendment, a citizen has the right to peacefully distribute literature, display signs, and speak freely within a traditional public forum which includes public parks, streets, and sidewalks. Access to traditional public fora or other similar public places for the purpose of exercising First Amendment rights cannot be denied.”

Author: Liberty Counsel


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