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What the Democrat Party is doing to America is corrupt, evil, and destructive. Every day we witness how these masters of deceit and manipulation work to tear down the founding principles of the United States of America.

Democrats speak with passion about why we must spend billions to defend Ukraine’s border from Russia while fostering the invasion of our southern border by hordes of illegal immigrants from every corner of the world. This incredibly harmful action alone should result in impeachment, but it’s just a fraction of their treasonous activity.

This is a political party gone mad that will stop at nothing to discard the Constitution, replace it with an authoritarian big government and keep Obama’s promise to “fundamentally change America.”

Every day we watch a feeble, cognitively challenged President and members of his his-administration lie with impunity. They call the Florida parental rights bill “Don’t Say Gay.” They tell us America is systemically racist. They say that allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports is fair. Defund police and crime will decrease. You’re not human until you’re born. They fire unvaccinated citizens while allowing millions of illegals into our country without a medical examination.

Within days of Elon Musk’s successful purchase of Twitter and a promise to stop censoring conservative thought, we learn of the Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board.”

The shocking leak from the Supreme Court is likely a well-planned attempt to intimidate the court and provide a media distraction from many other disastrous actions of this corrupt, fraudulent administration. Immediately we’ve heard calls for “court-packing” and “eliminating the filibuster.”

Late this summer we can expect the inept Center for Disease Control to announce a dangerous new strain of Covid has been discovered and Democrats will call for “expanding mail-in ballots” to protect voters from serious danger to their health and welfare.

How did we get to this point? I believe it can be summed up in two words – VOTER APATHY.

Can we survive this? Yes. But ONLY if every concerned conservative citizen votes in both the primary and general election. Throughout history America is at its best when it has lived through the worst.

Author: Paul Hemmer

Paul Hemmer is a retired radio personality and station owner from Dubuque. He is also a musician, composer/orchestrator and author of “Entertaining Dubuque-The Untold Story,” and a life-long Conservative.


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