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Home COVID-19 While most American adults do not want mandatory COVID vaccines for students,...

While most American adults do not want mandatory COVID vaccines for students, Dems prefer mandate

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Most American Adults told a new Rasmussen Reports in a new national phone and online survey they believe the danger of COVID-19 is now mostly over and oppose making vaccination against the virus mandatory for school kids.

Fifty-two percent of those surveyed said the danger of COVID is mostly over now. Forty percent said they still consider the virus a major public health threat.

Thirty-six percent of adults said public schools should make COVID vaccination mandatory for students. Fifty-three percent oppose such an idea.

Fifty-five percent said they believe it is important for young children to be vaccinated against COVID, including 33 percent who said it is very important. Thirty-seven percent said they do not think the vaccine is important for young children, with 22 percent saying it is not at all important.

Fifty-eight percent of Democrats say public schools should make COVID vaccination mandatory for students. Just 18 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of unaffiliated voters agree.



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