Tuesday afternoon, President Trump met with former Coronavirus patients who have fully recuperated from the illness. He invited them to the White House to share their recovery stories with the American people.
“Thank you for everything that you have done,” state Rep. Karen Whitsett—a Democrat from Michigan who recently battled Coronavirus—told the President and Vice President.
🎬 Rep. Whitsett, a former Coronavirus patient, shares her story.
At Monday’s White House briefing, President Trump updated Americans on encouraging signs of progress in our nation’s battle against the deadly disease.
“Over the weekend, the number of daily new infections remained flat nationwide—flat. Hospitalizations are slowing in hotspots like New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Louisiana,” he said.
Because Americans have carefully heeded the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines, we are beating this invisible enemy. The next step, President Trump says, is preparing to reopen our economy and getting more people back to work once it’s safe.
“We will soon finalize new and very important guidelines to give governors the information they need to start safely opening their states,” he said. “My administration’s plan and corresponding guidelines will give the American people the confidence they need to begin returning to normal life.”
🎬 President Trump: We’re winning our battle against the Coronavirus
WATCH: “We’re very close to completing a plan to open our country.”