“If you control the language, you control the argument;
If you control the argument, you control information;
If you control information, you control history;
If you control history, you control the past;
He who controls the past controls the future.”
Remember how that all started… “if you control the language.”
For years, maybe decades, liberals have dictated the language through their control of the media. It’s possible you could find someone to disagree that the media has a serious liberal bias, but they also say a sucker is born every minute.
This liberal strangle hold on the media is why The Iowa Standard was started. The AP Stylebook is basically a journalist’s bible. Or at least it is supposed to be. It isn’t mine. It isn’t mine because it has an agenda. And unfortunately, it dictates things at just about every newspaper in America.
What are some of the issues, you ask?
Illegal immigrant doesn’t exist. The AP decided in 2013 that illegal should not be used to describe a person, only an action.
Pro-life is not an option either. The AP Stylebook says to use “anti-abortion.” Oh, and avoid “abortionist.”
It wasn’t “supporter of traditional marriage,” it was “anti-marriage equality.” In 2013 the AP provided homosexual activists with a “big win” by “allowing” homosexual couples to still be referenced as husband or wife.
And of course, the AP Stylebook is catching up on gender too. It encourages writers to avoid references to both, either or opposite sexes or genders so they can encompass all people. After all, according to the AP, not all people fall under one of two categories for sex or gender.
Semi-automatic rifles with additional add-on parts for greater shooting accuracy are to be called assault weapons. To describe those who don’t accept climate science, or dispute that the world is warming from man-made forces, use climate change doubters or those who reject mainstream climate science.
And the words migrant or refugee, yeah, the AP prefers “people struggling to enter Europe.”
The guide for all things journalism is undeniably liberal.
So it only makes sense that journalists themselves are liberal.
According to researchers from Arizona State and Texas A&M, 462 financial journalists around the country were questioned. Now, finance reporters you might think would be slightly more conservative than the average reporter.
But of the 462 people surveyed, 58.47 percent admit to being left of center. Moderates made up 37.12 percent.
Quick, what does that leave for conservatives?
Let me help… 3.94 percent said they were somewhat conservative. A whopping 0.46 percent of financial journalists called themselves “very conservative.”
Occupy used to promote being the 99 percent. Well, I’m the 0.46 percent.
That makes for 13 liberals for every one conservative.
Thankfully Americans recognize this, for the most part. Forty-five percent of all likely voters surveyed said when most reporters write about a congressional race, they are trying to help the Democrat candidate. Eleven percent said the media would try to help the Republican.
Again, a sucker is born every minute.
Here are some historical numbers I found. In 1971, Republicans made up 25.7 percent of all journalists. Democrats were 35.5 percent, Independents were 32.5 percent and 6.3 were the popular “other” category.
In 2014 only 7.1 percent of journalists identified as Republican. Democrats outnumber Republicans 4-1 in the media.
I won’t even enter into the difference between positive media coverage for President Barack Obama compared to negative media coverage of President Donald Trump.
Check out these headlines if, for some reason, you are still a liberal-bias-in-media denier.
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