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From the Trump campaign:

The notion that Kamala Harris “cracked down” on violent crime as district attorney, as was reported this morning, is revisionist history — a myth that only exists inside the minds of Fake News hacks working overtime to soften her radical ideology and get her elected.

Reality paints a MUCH different picture:

  • Kamala proposed allowing drug dealers to sell drugs without fear of criminal charges. Her plan was that drug dealers would only face charges the THIRD time they were arrested.
    • A former deputy chief of the San Francisco Police Department said Kamala was “the most liberal and progressive district attorney I worked with in over 30 years in the SFPD.”
  • Kamala protected illegal alien drug dealers by expunging their criminal records and allowing them to avoid jail time. One of the illegal alien beneficiaries of Kamala’s soft-on-crime programming went on to assault a woman who was walking to dinner, leaving her with a fractured skull.
  • Kamala failed to prosecute known MS-13 gang member and illegal alien Edwin Ramos — who went on to brutally murder a father and his two sons in cold blood.
  • Kamala refused to seek the death penalty against a gang member who gun downed San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza — and didn’t even bother to contact his widow. Even Dianne Feinstein was shocked by Kamala’s decision to give this cop killer a pass.
  • Kamala coddled criminals who punched and spat on law enforcement officers, allowing them to avoid jail time altogether.
  • Law enforcement criticized Kamala for being “slow to prosecute” murder suspects and not “living up to her promises to get tougher on gun crimes.”
  • Kamala was a failure in the courtroom, where defendants charged with “serious crimes” had an “even one-in-two shot at winning an acquittal” during her tenure.
  • Kamala doled out “lenient plea deals and probation” to violent career criminals, including a serial domestic abuser who later murdered his girlfriend and a repeat felon who gunned down a local newspaper editor.
  • Kamala was such a failure, law enforcement was often forced to make an “end run” around her and rely on federal prosecutors instead.
  • Under Kamala, the murder rate skyrocketed in San Francisco.
  • Kamala’s oversaw an “undependable” crime lab, where evidence tampering by her staff compromised hundreds of cases.
  • Kamala bragged how Soros-backed prosecutors looked to her soft-on-crime as a “model.”

  • Kamala’s own colleagues say she was the “most progressive” prosecutor in California — the most liberal state in the country.

Kamala admits her “values have not changed,” which means her support for ending cash bail, defunding the police, decriminalizing illegal immigration, and other lunacy will become a reality if she is elected in November.

The Fake News will do everything they can — including lying — to make that happen.

Author: Press Release


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