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It’s only been two weeks since I last reported to you on COVID vaccine injuries and deaths, but there’s a lot going on.

Since my last report, the number of adverse reaction reports filed about COVID vaccines in the U.S. has topped 900,000 and the number of deaths shortly following COVID vaccination now exceeds 19,000, according to official government numbers.  The adverse reactions and deaths associated with COVID vaccines dwarf all other vaccines combined since the vaccine injury reporting system began 30 years ago.  The numbers for prion brain diseases and unborn baby deaths follow the same pattern.  But the COVID vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, right?  That’s what your government wants you to believe.  What do you think, after hearing these numbers?  Think there might be a problem here?

If numbers don’t grab you, real stories about what happened to real people might.  A Texas man died from heart problems shortly after being forced to take the Moderna vaccine to stay eligible for a lung transplant.  A 13-year-old Canadian girl’s heart stopped after getting the vaccine, leaving her in critical condition.  A former Australian pro basketball player suffered pericarditis heart problems after getting the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The government, apparently, refuses to do the indicated safety studies, but other research is starting to come in.  Research scientists found a possible explanation for why the Astra Zeneca COVID vaccine may cause blood clots.  They published their findings in a scientific journal.

Twitter labeled the American Heart Association website unsafe after the Association published a report linking COVID vaccines to heart inflammation.  Watch out, or the government’s narrative enforcers like Twitter will break your kneecaps if you dare go against the narrative.   At least the American Heart Association’s research got published.  Similar research findings have been completely suppressed.

Meanwhile in Europe, where the vaccine injury numbers are just as bad, hundreds attended a ‘March of the Dead’ in Parma, Italy to mourn the loss of loved ones they believe were killed by COVID vaccines.  A similar vigil was held in South Korea.

But don’t worry, the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’.  I know because my government told me so.

If you believe that, ask yourself why the government has established a compensation fund for injuries and death resulting from COVID vaccines.  Kind of blows up the narrative, doesn’t it?  There haven’t been any payouts yet, but liability is continuing to mount as the adverse reaction and death numbers grow by the day.  It looks like 40,000 Americans are already permanently disabled by COVID vaccines.  How much is that gonna cost and who’s gonna pay?  You can be a sheep and not question your government, but you can’t do it for free, there’s a price to pay.

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