Esperance Hope is one of five Republicans running for the GOP nomination in Iowa House District 46. Here are her answers to our legislative survey for Republicans in primary contests.
Describe your worldview and how that will influence you as a legislator:
I have a Christian worldview that values life. I appreciate freedom because I was born in a country without freedom. I am grateful for the right to defend ourselves because I’ve lived in a place where the bad guys had weapons and have seen hundreds slaughtered. We need to preserve traditional Judeo-Christian values. If we don’t, others won’t have an oasis to run to.
In your opinion, what are the three most pressing issues the legislature should address:
Pass the Protect Life Amendment, continue to lower taxes, improve education for all students
Feel free to explain your ideal tax policy/policies for Iowa (included in this section in order to allow for as much flexibility as possible):
Keep lowering taxes for Iowans.
Have you or will you sign The Big Family Pledge:
Do you believe the government should force consumers to buy a product:
Do you believe the government should force retailers to sell a product:
Do you support reforming or eliminating Iowa’s Certificate of Need laws:
I am gathering information on this.
Do you support periodic reviews of all government licenses and boards to ensure they’re necessary: Yes
Do you support the Protect Life Amendment to the Iowa Constitution:
When do you believe life begins and at what stage does it deserve protections under the law: Conception
Would you support universal Education Savings Accounts for Iowa families:
Do you believe obscene materials and pornographic materials belong in public school libraries:
In what grade should schools begin providing instruction to students on sexual orientation and gender identity:
There is no grade at which this is appropriate. This is a parental responsibility.
Would you support a bathroom bill in Iowa, which states biological males use the boys’ bathroom and biological females use the girls’ bathroom:
Should gender identity be stripped out of the Iowa Civil Rights code:
Should Iowa make it illegal for minors to undergo sex-change surgery and treatments:
Should Iowa schools/teachers ask students for preferred pronouns:
Should Iowa require schools/teachers to share a child’s “preferred pronoun” and/or “gender identity” with the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s):
Do you support banning conversion therapy (making it illegal for a parent to take a child to a health care professional to talk about confusion as it relates to sexual orientation or gender identity)?
Do you believe any institution – whether private or governmental – should be able to mandate a vaccination?
How could the Iowa legislature have handled the COVID pandemic differently?
While I am grateful for the freedom decisions that our wonderful governor made, I believe the legislature could have shared in emergency decisions.
Do you believe Iowa should reform the Governor’s emergency powers?
I am exploring different options, but generally believe that after a set period, emergency decisions should be shared.
Are there any issues of disagreement you have with the Republican Party of Iowa platform from 2018?
I like the platform. I want it to be stronger on medical freedom.
What improvements, if any, would you make to Iowa’s voting to ensure elections are fair and full of integrity?
Voting is our most important voice. I believe Iowa’s elections are fair, but I will always look at options to make voting both easy and safe.
Hope is running against four other individuals for the open seat. None of the other Republican candidates have submitted their answers as of publication.
To learn more about Hope’s candidacy and follow her campaign, you can click here to find her campaign website.