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A U.S. Border Patrol agent and his canine partner assigned to the Sierra Blanca Border Patrol Station seized approximately 118 pounds of liquid methamphetamine, worth almost four million dollars.

Chief Patrol Agent of Big Bend Sector Matthew J. Hudak said, “The great work done by this canine team prevented a significant amount of dangerous drugs from entering our country and contributing to criminal activity far beyond the border. This case is another example of the diligent and commendable work done by Border Patrol Agents every day.”

On Friday, May 3, a Sierra Blanca Border Patrol Agent and canine partner discovered two suitcases located in the lower luggage compartment of a passenger bus at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint. Inside the suitcases agents discovered 90 plastic bottles containing liquid methamphetamine, for an approximate weight of 118 pounds.  The successful seizure is attributed to a highly trained canine alerting to the narcotics and the canine handler’s years of experience.

The discovery was made while immigration inspections were being conducted on the passengers on board the bus. Agents were unable to associate the narcotics to a passenger. The narcotics were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration for further processing.


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