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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signaled an upcoming vote on the misleadingly titled “Reproductive Freedom for Women Act.” This radical resolution calls for no-limits abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy, everywhere in America.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser slammed the Democrats’ extremism in a statement:

 “This radical resolution has nothing to do with helping women. It says nothing about empowering women with the resources and support they deserve. Instead, it just doubles down on the Democrats’ radical agenda of all-trimester abortion, everywhere in America.”

Multiple post-Dobbs polls show that at least seven in 10 Americans support significant limits on abortion. A clear majority of Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortion on demand domestically, and more than two thirds oppose using tax dollars to promote abortion overseas.

SBA Pro-Life America is tracking the pro-abortion extremism of the Biden-Harris administration at sbaprolife.org/biden-harris.

Author: Press Release


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