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Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the swiftly anointed running mate for Kamala Harris, has taken to calling Republicans weird. As Walz projects a weak description onto people who disagree with him, let’s look at his priorities for Minnesota.

Illegal Immigration

Iowa has taken a hard stance against those who enter our country illegally. Over the past few years Iowa has banned sanctuary cities, required law enforcement to cooperate with ICE, and made it easier for law enforcement to stop criminal illegal aliens from finding sanctuary in our communities. In contrast, Tim Walz and Minnesota Democrats prefer open borders, going so far as to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licenses in the state. He also signed legislation to give illegal immigrants tuition-free college and state-funded health care. All these costs are strapped to the backs of hardworking Minnesota families.

Protecting Children

Doctors in Iowa cannot provide children with hormone therapy, puberty blockers or surgery to mutilate their bodies. In 2023, Iowa became one of several states to ban these dangerous practices on minors. These procedures can result in multiple, serious physical harms, including sterility, growth challenges, heart problems, and other life-threatening issues. While children are still early in their adolescence, making dramatic, life-altering changes at a young age are not in their best interest.

On the other hand, Governor Walz signed a law to give children access to puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and permanent life-altering gender surgery. The law even allows children in other states to be carted off to Minnesota, potentially against a parent’s wishes, given puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or gender surgery, and judges could be prohibited from stopping the action or returning the child to their home state.

In Minnesota, children cannot go to a tanning salon, get a tattoo, stay out past midnight in many cities, or sign a contract. However, Governor Walz believes that these children are old enough to make life-altering changes to their bodies. To me, that’s just weird.

The Second Amendment

In 2022, Iowans supported a state constitutional amendment that ensured law-abiding citizens would have the right to keep and bear arms and that any challenges to firearms rights would face a high legal standard. Iowans have overwhelmingly supported removing burdensome regulations and allowing law-abiding people to protect themselves and their families. In Iowa, you don’t have to jump through countless hoops to practice your constitutional right. A quick federal background check is all that’s needed.

On the other hand, Minnesota doesn’t believe in your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Minnesota law requires a substantial number of steps before a person can legally purchase or carry a firearm. This includes shooting tests, waiting periods, multiple permits, and gives discretion to Sheriffs to determine if a person can carry a firearm or not.

The Second Amendment is designed to ensure law-abiding Americans have the right to keep and bear arms. Governor Walz treats law-abiding Minnesotans like criminals and requires burdensome steps for those who just seek to protect themselves.

Illegal immigrants in Minnesota are rewarded for breaking the law and given free healthcare and driver’s licenses while hard-working Minnesotans pay the price. Walz signed a law enticing children to come to his state so they can take dangerous pharmaceuticals or have a dramatic life-threatening surgery without parental consent, but legal adults aren’t responsible enough to own firearms without the blessing of the state.

Right before our eyes, we’re seeing a pair of politicians who can’t confront the fact that their policies are out of touch, their narrative doesn’t resonate, all while they let their cities burn. So their solution is to subject those who disagree with them to a weak descriptor, as if we’re the ones who are supposed to hop on board.

Rep. Taylor Collins resides in Mediapolis and represents Iowa House District 95, encompassing all of Louisa, and large parts of Des Moines, Henry, and Muscatine Counties.

Author: Taylor Collins


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