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Pulse Life Advocates keeps you abreast of the abortion positions of political candidates. We’ve looked at Trump and Harris’ positions in recent weeks. Let’s look at where Kamala Harris’ VP pick, Tim Walz, stands on abortion.

The Minnesota Governor has a track record on abortion, that if possible, may be more extreme than Kamala Harris’ abortion platform. Here are the high (?) points:

  • Eliminated Minnesota’s “Positive Alternatives” program which supported pro-life pregnancy centers in the state.
  • Stopped requirement that medical care be provided for babies that survive their abortions. 
  • Mandated that data no longer be collected on these babies. For the record, eight occurred during his term until he stopped the reporting requirements.
  • Signed a bill which repealed the state’s prohibition on coercing a women to have an abortion. As Pete Buttigieg said a few weeks ago, pro-abortion laws give men more freedom. In Minnesota, thanks to Tim Walz, men can pressure women into aborting their babies with impunity.
  • Signed another bill which ended a requirement that women give informed consent before getting an abortion, again emboldening men to exert as much pressure as they want on their girl friends to avoid the financial, social, and moral responsibility they owe the child. Even more, the bill guarantees an unqualified right to abortion right to the instant of birth, regardless of the age of the mother.
  • Signed a bill increasing Medicaid-funded abortions in Minnesota.

If the Harris/Walz ticket wins, these are the measures they’ll want to impose on all fifty states.

And they call Trump radical?


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